Browse Articles By Tag: fitness tips
Does Pilates work, even if you’re terribly out of shape? Does it work if you’ve had an injury, or you have bad knees? Millions of people have discovered that Pilates seems to be good for whatever ails you. (...)
01.12.2015 · From TheAuthor
Physical fitness is something that many of us think about at the beginning of every year, then struggle with briefly and sink back into our usual habits. Still, fitness is something that can be improved upon any time of year. (...)
26.11.2015 · From TheAuthor
So you're out to lose weight. You want to lose it fast, so you diet, and you diet some more. Well, diet isn't enough. The only way to lose the weight fast is to add exercise to your diet regimen. Cardiovascular workouts trim the fat and strengthen the heart. (...)
15.11.2015 · From TheAuthor
If you are interested in losing weight and burning fat, a diet program alone may not suit your needs. The best way to burn fat is to exercise; aerobic exercise, specifically. Aerobic exercise draws on the body's fat stores for energy - the more cardio you do, the...
25.10.2015 · From TheAuthor
Trying to get fit isn't always easy. If it was, then there wouldn't be nearly as many products on the market to help people get healthy. But let's face it, getting fit can be a lot harder than it should be. There may be any number of reasons for this. (...)
23.10.2015 · From TheAuthor
A fit person is usually a happy person and leading a well-rounded life can be rewarding in many ways. If you're ready to get in shape but aren't sure about how to approach fitness, read the tips below. (...)
22.10.2015 · From TheAuthor
Anyone who has ever tried their hand at a fitness program knows the inherit difficulties and obstacles that can and will stand in their way. Fitness is a challenge but don't be discouraged. With the right discipline and motivation anyone can do it. (...)
21.10.2015 · From TheAuthor
Golf fitness evaluation can be an invaluable tool in helping any golfer to assess where they currently stand and thus help them reach a decision of what they can do to improve. It is now an accepted fact amongst golf experts that an improvement in golf fitness...
18.08.2014 · From TheAuthor
Even as you read this article, golf fitness exercise programs continue to positively revolutionize the games of many golfers around the country and indeed around the world. A golf fitness exercise program plays a major role in helping many golfers achieve consistent...
17.08.2014 · From TheAuthor
Using a golf training club is one of the most effective ways to increase golf swing speed and power. You can’t get anymore golf –specific than using a golf training club.
16.08.2014 · From TheAuthor
Golf swing consistency is the goal of every golfer. You know you can hit that one in a million shot that you talk about at the 19th hole…but how about making that shot happen more often?
10.08.2014 · From TheAuthor
The trend in larger and therefore heavier club heads in recent years has made golf stretching secrets even more important to acquire. To make matters worse for golfers not interested in embracing golf stretching secrets, golf is a game unlike other sports where...
02.08.2014 · From TheAuthor
If you’ve watched any golf on the television you’ve no doubt heard the commentator’s mention golf fitness training. It’s no secret that 95 percent of professional golfers are doing some for of golf fitness training.
30.07.2014 · From TheAuthor
Power golf exercises are a unique set of exercises that you do not do in a gym on machines, nor do you lift heavy weights. For that matter, you can do simple power golf exercises right in your home with minimal equipment.
30.07.2014 · From TheAuthor
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